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Registration for IB Scheme

How does the IB Registration process work?

Step 1
Complete the IB Contract

Step 2
Send the IB Contract and required documents to Templer

Step 3
Verificaton of the documents by Templer

Step 4
Within 24 hours you will receive your Start Up Kit

Step 5
Live introduction via remote software and on-line activation

Step 6
Business Start: Clients apply -Generate Income!

What Documents do I need to send?

Corporate IB

  • Signed IB Contract
  • Extract from the Commercial Register
  • ID card(s)/passport(s) of the management
  • Identification of the management (Acknowledgement by a bank, consulate or by a local agent of Templer)
  • Corresponding approval on the part of the bank supervision or trade supervisory center of the member state of the Organisation's head office

Individual IB

  • Signed IB Contract
  • ID card(s)/passport(s) of the IB(s)
  • Identification of the IB(s) (Acknowledgement by a bank, consulate or by a local agent of Templer
  • Corresponding approval on the part of the bank supervision or trade supervisory center of the member state of the Organisation's head office

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